Tag Archives: the swithch

The Switch by Lily Samson – a review

I recently spotted The Switch on netgalley and was lucky enough to be accepted for a proof copy. I then visited The Sister who said she had a book she recommended, it wasn’t until I got home that I realised it was actually a proof copy of The Switch she has picked up at a recent festival, it was definitely better to have two copies than none, this was a great novel.

The Switch is a story of two couples. Elena and Adam are housesitting in Wimbledon and are soon seduced by the glamour of the area, and by their enigmatic neighbours Sophie and Finn. When Sophie proposes a game whereby they swap partners in secret, Elena, after a bit of persuasion agrees. However it soon becomes clear that Sophie is playing a dangerous game and her motives are not just about fun and sex.

This was a superb book that I found utterly intriguing and read quickly over a few days. The Switch is an interesting take on a relationship drama that mixes a love story with a thriller element and turns them into a surprising and addictive read.

There is an interesting mix of characters none of whom are really how they first seem. The main narrator is Elena but we do hear from others too. The four main characters are intriguing with dubious morals throughout. None of them are completely innocent yet their motivations when finally revealed do give some kind of reasoning behind the actions.

The backstory of the characters was written with tantalising slowness and details were revealed but never quite enough to give the game away. The story genuinely surprised me towards the end and I did not see the big reveal coming. 

Despite the main premise being maybe a little far fetched (surely you’d notice someone getting in and out of your bed?) this is a cracking story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I would recommend this twisty sexy surprising debut novel. 

Get your copy here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Switch-Lily-Samson/dp/1529909473

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